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Viewing articles tagged 'Scheduler'

Add Multiple Locations to Appointments "I have two offices in my state and would like to offer the clients the choice of location for... Approving Appointments When you receive an email notifying you of an appointment, follow these directions to update the... Block off Longer Appointments The premise: Our taxPRO scheduling software is setup to do either 30 minute or hourly appts. But,... Configure PayPal with the Appointment Scheduler This option allows your customers to pay appointments directly with PayPal (debit/credit card or... Configuring Schedule It is possible to configure general working hours for the whole company in the Working hours... Custom Fields in Appointment Scheduler The Custom Fields feature gives you the option to add more fields to your booking form so as... Google Calendar Integration with the Appointment Scheduler With Google Synchronization, all employees in Scheduling can sync their working schedule with... Outlook Integration with the Appointment Scheduler Configuring Outlook Calendar sync With Outlook Synchronization, all employees can sync their... Setup the Appointment Scheduler The taxPRO Appointments Scheduler allows you to setup appointments for your customers. You... Users and Roles in the Appointment Scheduler Users and roles in the Amelia (Appointment Scheduler) Booking plugin give you an option to... Working with Appointments An appointment is an arrangement that one or more customers make when they book a service that is... Zoom Integration with the Appointment Scheduler Many of the services today are provided completely online, and like that require a place where...
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