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Users and Roles in the Appointment Scheduler Print

  • Amelia, Appointment, Scheduler, taxPRO
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Users and roles in the Amelia (Appointment Scheduler) Booking plugin give you an option to allow all WordPress users to use the back-end of this plugin depending on their role. Since different user roles have different capabilities, we will go through each of them.


WordPress Administrator is the user who has all the plugin’s permissions. An administrator can create services, locations, customers, employees, and appointments, and permanently delete or hide all entries. He can also customize the look of the front-end of the plugin, so it matches the website of the company. As an admin, one can also make changes in all WordPress settings and change the roles for the other users.

Amelia Manager

The “Amelia Manager” role has almost the same permissions as an “Administrator” role, but with a few important differences. A manager is allowed to hide but not delete anything; a manager cannot customize the front-end look of the plugin and doesn’t have access to the WordPress settings.

You can add an “Amelia Manager” user by going to Users » Add New, fill in the necessary data, and choose the “Amelia Manager” role under the “Role” option.

Amelia Employee

“Amelia Employee” is the role you can give to some or all of your employees. Once you create a new Amelia Employee user an automatic email will be sent to your employee with a username and a URL link where they can set their password.

With this role, your employees can access the list of their appointments on the appointments page or directly on the calendar at the back end and they can also export the list for ease in tracking. If you want to give more permissions to your employees you can enable six more options which you can find in the plugin’s Roles Settings on the Settings Page so your employees can:

  • Configure their services,
  • Configure their schedule,
  • Configure their days off,
  • Configure their special days and/or
  • Manage their appointments
  • Manage their events

Once you enable these options your employees will be able to also add or edit their appointments/events (change status, reschedule, etc.), choose services that will be assigned to them, edit their personal information, working hours, days off, and special days. They will not, however, be able to see other pages on the back-end side or see the appointments from the other employees.

You have two options to assign this role to your employee:

  1. Go to the “Employee” modal, click on the “WordPress User” option, and click on the “Create New” button
  2. From the WordPress Menu, go to Users » Add new and create a WordPress user with an “Amelia Employee” role. After you create a WordPress user, go to the “Employee” modal and under the “WordPress User” option select a WordPress user you’ve previously created.

If you want to change an employee’s role to Manager, you can do so on the “Users” page of the WordPress admin panel. Just find the employee you wish to change, click “Edit”, and under the “Role” option choose the “Amelia Manager” role.

Please note: At the moment employee doesn’t have permission to add new customers on the back-end. He can only create appointments with the existing customers (the ones that have profiles created in Amelia).

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