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Configure PayPal with the Appointment Scheduler Print

  • Amelia, Appointment, Scheduler, taxPRO
  • 1

This option allows your customers to pay appointments directly with PayPal (debit/credit card or PayPal balance). First, you need to enable the “PayPal Service”.

You will need to set your PayPal Connection settings. Simply follow the next steps:

  1. Go to and login with your PayPal account.
  2. On the left in the “Dashboard” menu click on “My Apps & Credentials” (#1).
  3. Now you will see a screen that has the words “Sandbox | Live” (#2). Click this to make it LIVE (Note: If at this point it asks you to “upgrade your account”, you must do this to accept payments on your site before you can continue. Scheduler requires a Business Account.)
  4. Scroll down. In the “REST API apps” section you need to “Create App”(#3). (We suggest naming the App “Business Name App” (So, if you are Joes Taxes, name it “Joes Taxes App”)




Setup PayPal in your scheduler

  1. You must copy data from the field “Client ID”(#1) and click “Show”(#2) under secret. Copy both of these to a safe place.




2. Login to your website now. Hold your mouse over “Appointments”. Click on SETTINGS.

Now, follow the guides in the image below.

#1. Turn on PayPal
#2. Enable PayPal Service
#3. Paste in your Client ID and Secret

Save. Now you can go to “Services” and add a price to your available service options.




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