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Updating contact information for your domain Print

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Why it is important to keep your Domain Contact Information up to date

Your Domain Contact Information is used to tell governing bodies who owns the domain. If this information is not current and correct you risk the chance of losing your domain. This is not always the same as the information you have on file for billing. The email address you have on in your Domain Contact Information will be the email address that an authorization code is sent to if you ever need to transfer your domain.

How to Update Your Domain Contact Information

Keeping your domain contact information up to date is crucial for ensuring you receive important notifications about your domain. Follow these simple steps to update your domain contact information through our panel.

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Log in to Your Client Area
  2. Navigate to My Account > My Domains
    1. Once logged in, find the Domains section. This is accessible from the main navigation menu.
    2. Click on My Domains to view a list of all your registered domains.
  3. Select the Domain to Update
    1. Locate the domain for which you want to update the contact information.
    2. Click on the domain you wish to manage in the list to open the domain management page.
  4. Access the Contact Information Section
    1. In the domain management page, look for a tab or section labeled Contact Information.
    2. Click on it to view the current contact details for the selected domain.
  5. Edit Contact Information
    1. You will see fields for various contact types such as Registrant, Admin, and Tech.
    2. Update the necessary information in each field. This may include name, email address, phone number, and physical address.
  6. Save Changes
  7. Look out for ICANN verification email
    An ICANN contact verification email is usually sent off any time you change the registrant email. ICANN will suspend the domain if the contact information is not verified. See our Knowledgebase article "How to stop the ICANN rule from shutting down your website" for more details.

Important Notes

  • Accuracy: Ensure that all information provided is accurate and up to date to avoid any potential issues with your domain registration and communication.
  • Verification: Some changes may require verification via email. Check your inbox for any verification emails and follow the instructions provided.
  • Privacy Protection: If you have Domain Privacy Protection enabled, your personal information will remain protected even after updating your contact details.


If you encounter any issues or have any questions while updating your domain contact information, please contact our support team for assistance.

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