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  • Monday, 22nd January, 2018
  • 15:59pm

UPDATE: Maintenance is complete

Starting Wednesday, 1/24/2018, we will be performing maintenance on our SiteDart server. Due to increased growth, we have expanded beyond our current services. We will be moving to a more powerful and faster server.

During the 48 hour period between Wednesday and Thursday, 1/25/2018, the store and our website for (and may become unavailable for short periods. If you have issues purchasing or visiting our site, please wait and try again in 30 minutes.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. But, we're also excited our product line is a great success, and want to make it a better experience for all when purchasing and renewing your subscriptions.

Thank you for being our customer...
The SiteDart Hosting Team

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